Where are you on the eco-friendly scale?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Clean & Green

Big ups to Clorox. They figured out that their main product, chlorine bleach, is pretty darn bad for the environment. So they've been working to green their product line.

Here's the result: Green Works. Spray cleaners, wipes, dishwashing liquid, and toilet bowl cleaner.

Much of it is coconut oil-based, and it works just fine. Best of all, you can get it at your local grocery store or chain stores like Target, Kmart, or even Walmart.

Now say what you will about the evils of big box stores (**cough, Walmart, cough**). The fact is, a lot of people shop there. Isn't it better for them to have an eco-friendly choice than to keep reaching for the same old bleach-based or other toxic cleaner?