Where are you on the eco-friendly scale?

Friday, November 9, 2007

New Baby Shopping Guide Part 1

Congratulations! You'll be a parent to a new baby soon! You've shared the news and gotten comfortable with the idea.

Maybe you've been giving thought to breast or bottle, disaposable diaper or cloth or Elimination Communication.

Now it's time to feather your nest. Below is a list of things typical new parents are told they need. It's based on crib-using, bottle-and-formula-fed baby that uses conventional disposable diapers.

One principle of greenness is to reduce consumption. How, you might ask? Maybe it's not totally clear how new parents can get by without about $1500-$2000 worth of new stuff (about what the items on the list below would cost).

So let's take a closer look at that typical list:

Formula (powder)
Drinking water
Bottle sterilizer (microwave or electric)-1
Bottle Brush-1

Changing pad-1
Changing pad covers-2
Newborn Diapers-4 pks
Newborn Wipes-2
Newborn Wipes Refill-1
Dirty diaper receptacle-1
Plastic bags for dirty diaper receptacle-2

Bath tub-1
Wipe warmer-1
Bath Towel-2
Wash Cloths-6
Hand Sanitizer-3 Large
Antibacterial wipes-1-box
Hand soap-3
Baby Wash-1
Baby Lotion-1

Well Baby
Comb & Brush-1
Ear Thermometer-1
A & D ointment-1
Tylenol Infant Drops-Grape-1
Mylicon Drops-1
Tylenol Suppositories
Liquid Benadryl (dye-free)
Neosporin ointment (regular, not with anesthetic/pain relief)

Receiving blankets-Waffle Weave-4
Crib Sheets-2
Waterproof mattress cover-2
Lap Pads-small-3
Crib Blanket (Not fluffy)-1
Cloth Diapers (burp cloths)-12

Knit caps-3

On the Move
Car Seat-1

Bouncy Seat-1
Sound Machine or CD-White Noise-1
Monitor-Audio or Camera-1

Instead of thinking about what your baby needs by category, let's think about what they'll need developmentally. That way, you can make decisions about the first six months and postpone purchase of the other items for later. You may find that your baby has very specific needs and that you adapt your parenting to this. Some of the "must-haves" then become optional, or not at all useful.

Newborn-6 months

There are lots of options when it comes to organic baby clothing.

Organic clothing pros: good for babies sensitive to dyes, no off-gassing of potentially dangerous fumes as there is with synthetic clothing, and responsibly made and harvested cotton is better for the earth.

Organic clothing cons: can be expensive. Range of colors not necessarily as extensive. Very likely won't have licensed characters on them.

Solutions: make friends with parents of children a little older than yours, and see if you can get in on that great karmic circle of baby-clothes swapping. Trust me, you'll be doing these parents a favor because chances are those baby clothes are clogging up a closet somewhere. If you're lucky, you'll inherit some organic baby clothes. Ask the grandparents if they'll spring for one or two special organic cotton outfits.

Crib gear
When you think about where your baby will sleep, think about what and where you'll feed him or her.

Mothers who breastfeed often find it easy and convenient to keep the newborn in bed with them (co-sleeping--safe if you take a few precautions) or put the newborn in a bassinet next to the bed or a moses basket near the bed. You'll be waking up frequently for nighttime feedings, so it's best to think twice about whether it'll be easier on you to roll over and pick up your hungry child, or if you'll be okay with walking down the hall (or down to the kitchen) to warm up some milk and put it in a bottle.

Moses baskets from Target, Land of Nod, and Pottery Barn for Kids.

Organic bassinet & crib mattresses can be found here:

  • Kidbean
  • Tiny Bird Organics

    Parents who opt for formula feeding should consider the same things. Where will you keep and prepare the bottles? Will you have to go to the kitchen to prepare this, or can you do it in the baby's room?